Here is what one of my clients had to say about her experience of using Emotional Freedom Techniques – meridian tapping to eliminate her fear of flying.
At first I was sceptical of using Emotional Freedom Techniques to deal with my phobia of flying. I think it started after 9/11 happened and I became very nervous about flying in aeroplanes. I had to visit relatives every year at Christmas, so it became a really difficult trip for me. Leah explained how EFT worked and gave me information about the tapping points and some research. I did tapping with her and before I got onto the plane. And it really worked. Now I fly several times per year to visit my relatives and travel to exotic destinations for holidays. I don’t need medication or alcohol to calm my nerves for the flights. I tried Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and that did help, although EFT was much more effective. I’m planning my next trip now.
Sharon C. Manager