Emotional Freedom Techniques is a form of therapy that helps reduce feelings of stress and discomfort. By gently tapping on some acupressure points on the upper body and fingers, people are able to reduce stress and tension. I have helped many people significantly reduce feelings of anxiety, exam anxiety, phobias, feelings of frustration, anger, physical discomfort, aches and pain. Tapping on acupressure points produces a hormone called dehydraepiandrostone – DHEA.
Clinical studies have proven that DHEA reduces the level of stress and cortisol in the body. Cortisol is a stress hormone that is produced when we go into the fight, flight or freeze mode. So when people focus on something that causes them tension like a phobia or feelings of anxiety AND tap on the acupressure points, it soothes the parasympathetic nervous system, creates new neural pathways and discharges the unwanted feelings. It can work very quickly and I coach my clients to practice some tapping in their own time.
Clients can safely reduce their feelings around traumatic experiences in childhood, sexual assault, emotional abuse, physical abuse, in a gentle way that doesn’t re-traumatize the mind and body. Many people have strong feelings around dramatic or traumatic events from the past. They are stored in our emotional brain, the limbic system and can trigger us to be hypervigilant and fearful when we feel threatened. EFT helps people safely reduce those feelings. You still have the memory of the event, although it looses the sting or charge.
Clinical studies have found that the hormone DHEA – improves memory and energy levels, reduces body fat, fights cancer, heals burns, prevents heart disease, improves the immune system, reduces menopausal symptoms and fine wrinkles. I do sessions via Skype or Facetime. Clients may be living overseas or just a few suburbs away. Skype is great way to save on travel time when your life is very busy. Phone 0410 708 835 to arrange an appointment. Most people have the best results if they have at least three sessions.