A couple of years ago I saw a client who wanted to lose weight. In the assessment session she became teary when she spoke about a relationship in her past that had caused her some pain. She had tried different ways to lose weight and had been successful for a time, then the weight returned. She was concerned about developing some health isssues due to being overweight.
During the hypnotherapy sessions she was able to regain emotional balance with some personal and professional issues that had been causing her stress. Her weight loss continued steadily as she renewed her interest in regular exercise and healthy eating patterns. She was able to plan ahead what she would eat and drink when she socialised. At the end of her sessions she stated she was much happier and more confident compared to when she first came to see me.
Recently Ive helped a couple of clients with phobias. When they come and see me they dont usually say, Hi, I have a phobia, can you help me?
They usually describe some anxiety about leaving the house, going far away from home, travelling interstate and overseas, or some public speaking.
And with the process of doing some regression trancework, we have been able to find certain incidents/memories that happened a long time ago that they had forgotten. And thats one of the amazing things about our brains and hypnotherapy. The brain is like a huge computer and you input millions of bits of information everyday. Most of it you are not consciously aware of. So, in trance sessions we can go back and explore those moments that may have led someone to feel they needed to be hyper aware of a potential threat or problem.
It never ceases to amaze me what people remember when they are in a trance state. Often we find something that was very significant in setting up the anxiety that they may or may not have remembered for years. Its such a good thing to be able to help adults recover from those kinds of incidents that appear to have held them back and wish them a safe and happy journey on their impending travels.
Brain scans show hypnosis at work
Now check out what they are saying about Hypnosis in Britain and how brain scans show hypnosis at work.
Hypnosis for Smokers
Recently I’ve seen quite a few smokers who had some hypnotherapy a couple of years ago to help them give up. They stopped smoking for a few years and then typically something happened that led to a relapse. Usually it was something quite stressful that made them fall back on old habits. So they ring me up and say things like, I just want to come in for a top up, I know I want to quit again, I just need some help”. They know hypnotherapy works for them and they express an easy faith that it will work again.
After the trance session I give them one of my Stop Smoking audio to help deepen their powerful resolve to remain an ex-smoker. I encourage them to listen to the audio if they have any cravings. They leave my clinic looking happier and grateful that I have helped them to get back on track to being healthier again.